Document Our Days

Welcome To Us



I am so so glad you stopped by! So where did you land? This is a blog about a family, our real lives and some of our highs and lows. But also a place to find all things new that give the old school vibe! Our clothing style is a mixture of Vintage, Hipster, Boho.. really we just call it the Scholz Style.

what will you get here?

We want this to be a one stop shop for you! All the shops that sell “our look”. Also the toys, home decor and anything else we love so much we want to share with you. In the middle of telling you our favorite companies and why, we will be sharing our real and raw selves. Sometimes its just how this indoor girl is become an outdoors wife and momma. Other times we might talk about eating, food intolerances, homeschooling or traveling adventures. Really this is all about documenting our lives and have you join in with us.

We want to build a community with you and want you to build relationships with each other too.


Let’s Connect

Do you remember the #blackout of 2019 when Instagram and Facebook were down for a day? So do we! In light of that this blog and mailing list were born. I have joined so many of my favorite accounts mailing list lately so I wouldn’t lose all connection if social media went down tomorrow. Join us so we don’t lose you too.

Documenting Our Lives One Day at a Time
